Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Love Poem to My Son

Happy Valentine's Day, Evan
Love, Mommy

Cheeks glow red with the heat of dreams
You stretch and smile
“Good morning, Sunshine” and “Cocka-doodle-doo”
A tight grip ‘round my head, you pull me close
“I love you,” is whispered from ear to ear.

Sweet boy – tell me a song
You are my lullaby
Baby breath and heaven-bright eyes
I curl-up inside your tender grip.
Soft tickle-fingers knead a weary soul.

My heart, my boy, my wonder
You walked me from a shadowy ledge
With tender notes plucked on withered strings –
I am lured to needs far greater than my own.

And now, dear one, we sit in lights down dim
Rock and hum the day gone by
Cocooned in angel-threads of soft moonlight
We count the stars and dream again.

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